Tugas Metpenstat I
17 Februari 2011
Dosen : Mbak Ike
Riset Question :
1. The absolute and relative effects of self-efficacy and stress on these academic out-comes.
2. The effect of demographic factors on academic success and persistence.
3. What is the relationship between academic self-efficacy and stress?
4. How are grades, credits, and persistence related?
Hipotesis :
1. We hypothesize that both academic self-efficacy and stress will have an effect on all outcomes, with higher levels of self-efficacy and lower stress being associated with better grades, more accumulated credits, and greater persistence.
2. Older students have been found to earn higher grades than younger, traditional-age students.
3. Sociodemographic characteristics of students are inconsistently related to college outcomes.
4. Black and Hispanic students are more likely than white students to drop out of college.
Metode :
1. We examined the data via both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to determine (1) whether the stress and self-efficacy items in the questionnaire could be reduced to a smaller subset of indexes capturing different dimensions of each, and (2) whether stress and self-efficacy could be considered distinct constructs, given the approach to measuring them in the survey. In the second part of the analysis, we used structural equation modeling to examine the effect of stress and self-efficacy as latent constructs on each of the three outcomes: college GPA at the end of the first year ,credit hours obtained during the year, and enrollment in college at the start of the third semester.
Analisis :
1. Stress and self-efficacy can be considered latent constructs that are imperfectly measured by questionnaire items (or indexes derived from them).
2. Structural equation modeling, as a multivariate method, allows estimation of cross-equation error correla-tion.